Kenyan Power Transmission Line to be Constructed by Adani for US $900 Million

The Adani Group of India’s power distribution company, Adani Energy Solutions, announced desires to build transmission lines and substations in Kenya for a total estimated cost of US $900 million.

The plans, which have received approval from the nation, are a part of Kenya’s larger initiatives to modernize its outdated power distribution system, which has been beset by frequent outages and inefficiencies. The Treasury’s draft Budget Policy Statement (BPS), which outlined the project’s development and future course, noted this noteworthy advancement.

The project involves constructing five substations and 371 kilometers of electrical transmission lines in the nation’s eastern and western regions. An important stage in the project’s lifecycle, the project development or feasibility study report, was finished and turned in in May 2024.

A public-private partnership (PPP) will be used to carry out this project. Kenya’s growing national debt has limited government investment on vital projects like highways, power lines, and airports, increasing the country’s reliance on PPPs for infrastructure development.

The project’s goal is to minimize energy losses, sometimes known as “leakages,” and drastically cut down on the frequency and length of power outages that have long plagued the nation by renovating the current infrastructure.

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