Tanzania Mining Commission Issues Over 54,000 Licenses in Seven Years

According to Ms. Aziza Swedi, Acting Director of Licensing and ICT, the Tanzania Mining Commission has granted 54,626 mining licenses in the last seven years. The commission granted a variety of licenses between the 2018/2019 fiscal year and September 2024, including 1,683 Prospecting Licenses (PLS), 144 Mining Licenses (MLs), and five Special Mining Licenses (SMLs). Furthermore, 12,273 broker licenses (BLs), 4,756 dealer licenses (DLs), seven refinery licenses (RFLs), six smelting licenses (SLs), 216 processing licenses (PCLs), and 35,536 primary mining licenses (PMLs) were granted. By designating 65 sites across different mining regions as of October 2024, offering a friendly environment for license acquisition, and facilitating financial support, Ms. Swedi underlined the commission’s efforts to assist small-scale miners.

The commission is working with the Geological Survey of Tanzania (GST) to do studies that would improve mining possibilities by informing miners about the resources that are accessible. In order to increase the effectiveness of license processing, management, and issuance, Ms. Swedi also mentioned the creation of a new licensing management system. After all upgrades are finished, we want to transfer data from the current system, integrate this system with other government platforms, and offer user training.

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